Pupil  Clean Corp

After decades of providing fast and efficient residential cleaning services to Edmonton residents, we’re proud of our reputation as one of the most trusted cleaning services in the country. We take cleaning your home seriously, which means showing up on time and treating every client like family. Whether you welcome us into your home once a week, biweekly or monthly, you can count on our list to refresh your living space quickly. Home cleaning is our specialty, and your home is our top priority

Living Room Areas and Bedrooms

Standard Cleaning Services:

  • Dust and clean all surfaces
  • Vacuum and mop floors
  • Clean chairs and tables
  • Clean mirrors and fixtures
  • Clean doors and outside cabinets
  • Baseboard cleaning
    Moving In and Out Services:
  • Vacuum and clean out inside of cabinets
  • Standard Cleaning Services:
  • clean and dust all surfaces
  • Clean the sink
  • Clean the exterior of the microwave and appliances
  • Vacuum or mop floors
  • Wipe and clean kitchen services
  • Clean outside of fridge and oven
  • The clean door of the outside of cabinets
  • Baseboard cleaning
    Move-In and Out Services:
  • Clean and vacuum inside of cabinets & drawers
  • Clean inside of all cabinets
  • Clean closets and shelves
    Standard Cleaning Services:
  • Dust and clean all services
  • Clean the toilets
  • Clean the showers and bathtubs
  • Clean the sinks to shine
  • Clean mirrors and fixtures
  • Vacuum and mop floors
  • Clean doors and outside of cabinets
  • Baseboard detail cleaning
    Move-In and Out services
  • Clean closets shelves and drawers
  • Vacuum and clean inside of cabinets and drawers